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Improving quality in healthcare: Translating evidence into practice
7 November 2012, John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh
Conference Programme(PDF)
Conference Report(PDF)
Professor Richard Baker, University of Leicester
Researcher, Practitioner & Patient Partnership to Improve Care: the CLAHRCs(PDF)
Dr Martin Burton, UK Cochrane Centre
Cochrane Systematic Reviews High Quality Evidence Syntheses(PDF)
Professor Martin Eccles, Newcastle University
Implementation Science – a Pesonal Reflection and Thoughts of the Future(PDF)
Miss Nicole Elliott, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Developing NICE Clinical Guidelines with an Eye on the Audience(PDF)
Professor Robbie Foy, University of Leeds
Implementation Research in Primary Care: What’s so special about being general?(PDF)
Professor Jeremy Grimshaw, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Challenges of Knowledge Translation(PDF)
Professor Susan Michie, University College London
Understanding and Improving KT Interventions: Behaviour change techniques(PDF)
Ms Val Moore, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NICE Strategies to Support the Implementation of Guidelines(PDF)
Professor Craig Ramsay, University of Aberdeen
Evaluating Infection Control Teams in Dental Primary Care: Translating ‘can’t’ into ‘can'(PDF)
Dr Karen Ritchie, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Healthcare Improvement Scotland: A Knowledge Broker Organisation for NHSScotland(PDF)
Dr Douglas Stirling, NHS Education for Scotland
Developing Guidance with Knowledge Translation in MInd(PDF)
Dr Ann Wales, NHS Education for Scotland
Getting Knowledge into Action for Healthcare Quality: National Strategic Review and Implementation in NHSScotland(PDF)
Professor Michel Wensing, Radboud University, Nijmegen Medical Centre
Impact of Implementation Science in Healthcare: An exploration(PDF)
Andrea Baker NHS Education for Scotland
Improving the patient experience in remote and rural Scotland: Travels of the mobile skills unit(PDF)
Heather Cassie University of Dundee
Improving quality in healthcare: A case study in dental primary care(PDF)
Moira Cruickshank Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen
Systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and enhanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques in aiding the localisation of prostate abnormalities for biopsy(PDF)
Paula Elouafkaoui University of Dundee / NHS Education for Scotland
Oral Health Assessment and Review (OHAR): Implementing a Risk Based Approach to Oral Health Care(PDF)
Karen Emslie NHS Highland
Periodontal Health and Smoking Cessation(PDF)
Deepa Jahagirdar Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Patient reported outcome measures for people with low literacy skills and/or learning disabilities: a case study in knowledge transfer from academia to the NHS(PDF)
Sarah Jones Royal College of Physicians
Identifying organisational barriers and enablers for implementing NICE public health guidance for the workplace in NHS Trusts in England(PDF)
Niina Kolehmainen Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen
Implementation research in allied health care: the ‘Good Goals’ programme(PDF)
Michal Meszka NHS Orkney
An Audit to Address the Problem of Inappropriate New Patient Referrals for Orthodontics in the Northern Isles(PDF)
Daniela Rae NHS Grampian
Guidelines for Oral Health Care of Individuals with Huntingdon’s Disease(PDF)
Karen Ritchie Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Making it CLEAR: the NHS Scotland clinical enquiry and response service(PDF)
Anna Templeton University of Dundee
Patient, organization, and system level influences on the prevention and management of caries(PDF)
Steve Turner University of Dundee
Benefits and risks of direct access to treatment by dental care professionals: A rapid evidence review(PDF)
Linda Young NHS Education for Scotland
A Standardised Framework for Knowledge Translation Linked To A National Guidance Initiative(PDF)
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